New page, new domain, new stuff coming


I’m in the process of moving my personal webpage on a fresh new account, with improved usability, more updated functionalities and new stuff I’m making. In few days this dotsandshadows address will come back to the initial state. I will use it as is in the upcoming months untill the fresh new page is ready to replace it.


When the site refresh will be complete I will update it more often with news, new projects, freebies and maybe also some tutorial…so stay tuned for it!

We Got Wired!



With the Giochi Accessibili project, we have been selected from Wired for the Top 100 italian young enterpreneurs and startups!
The aim of the project is to create board games accessible also by blind and visually impaired people, allowing everyone to enjoy playful moments with their friends and families. In the last months I’m really pushing for this project and that’s why at the moment this page is not massively filled with 3d renders and Blender stuff in general. It’s a really interesting and innovative project that is giving me the opportunity to meet a lot of lovely people and their amazing ideas.

Feelings and awe in contemporary game design

It’s not something about my work or something new to show you, but I found this interesting article about emotions and feelings in games and I would like to share it with you all. Jenova Chen talks about the process behind the outstanding PS3 game Journey. This topic is something I really care about. Infact I’m actually reading the book Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal and it’s opening my mind to a new era of game design and gameful experiences in the real world. If you find it in a book store, don’t think twice, go and get it!

Article by Brandon Sheffield / Gamasutra, February the 7th 2013

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Trick or Treat? / a board game for blind and visually impaired

TrickorTreat_posterI’m finally back with new stuff! After months of hard work, last week, I’ve graduated in product design and I’m here to show you a bit of my thesis. The project is about a board game that can be played at the same time by blind people, visually impaired and others. The game is about Halloween and collecting candies during the night. It can be played by 2-4 players and it has shapes and colors that helps the blind and the visually impaired to recognize the parts and decide their next move.

Without explaining the whole game and its mechanics, I would like to show you some 3d render made with Blender and some picture about the first prototype. For the technical drawings I used a really nice node setup for Blender called EdgeNodesV1.1 from Studio LLB. For the prototype I exported the .stl files from Blender and I gave them to WASP.

There is also a .pdf version of the thesis in italian on ISSUU.

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